Our Services

A simple packaged solution

Holiworking provides you with the necessary documents for the employee's departure:

  • An amendment to the employment contract for the duration of the stay
  • A clear payslip template for your accountant (your compulsory unemployment insurance contributions are carried-over)
  • A service provision contract mandating Holiworking for the employee's remuneration during his expatriation.
  • Extranet access to follow-up the invoicing of the service
  • The administrative management of the employee's departure and return.
  • Your employee signs a contract with Holiworking that regulates his expatriation's terms and conditions and the exercise of his remote mission abroad.

... at no extra cost

The expatriation of your employee generates no additional cost. The Holiworking service cost (to the company) does not exceed your employee gross salary (+ employer costs) during his/her stay.

The project financing is designed to be impact-free for the employer, the model is based on: 

   - the Holiworker's application and subscription fees
   - a possible decrease in the Holiworker's net salary (80 to 100% about 20% decrease depending on the destination, length of the stay, and the salary level)
   - the mandatory charges gap and hedging services between France and the country of destination.

Great working conditions

For an optimal remote collaboration, Holiworking provides your collaborator abroad with:

  • A coworking space with a relaxation area 
  • A communication platform: audio and video-conference bridge, chat and document sharing, shared secure offices
  • A weekly activity report

The Holiworking life experience

  • Access to associations, social fabric, and the possibility to get involved locally 
  • The extension of your professional network 
  • Accommodation options as close as possible to local life 
  • Exciting personal development training 
  • Tailor-made local events to promote encounters, immerse yourself in the local culture, and enjoy all that the destination has to offer

Holiworking takes care of your employee:

  • Administrative support at all stages of your collaborator's project
  • An app, the Holicompanion, for a 100% digital monitoring of all his/her procedures.
  • The Holicoach, a local coach, easing the immersion in his/her country.
  • Insurances: travel health insurance, complementary provident insurance and optional pension insurance

The Holiworking benefits for your company

In addition to motivating your employee, building loyalty, opening his mind, and enriching his life, the Holiworking experience is:

  • A training for your managers in managing remote staff, and performance.
  • The Holicompany recognition, an employer branding booster, and a guarantee of a people-centred innovative Company. 
  • From 5 Holiworkers (collaborators) upwards, a free visit pack will be offered to one of your managers (transportation, 4-night accommodation, coworking space, private space for individual meetings)

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