
  • Destination open
  • Open formulas
  • 3 Month
  • 6 Month
  • 12 Month
  • Visa
  • For who ?
  • Solo
  • Couple
  • Family (with children)
  • Language Français
  • Currency Roupie mauricienne

Why live in Mauritius?


Island state in the Indian Ocean, Mauritius, enjoys a unique location. Between land and sea, this heavenly archipelago offers breathtaking landscapes. From the coastal plains to the central plateau, passing by the coral reef and the lagoons surrounding the island, open your eyes wide the show is in front of you.

Mauritius and especially its capital, Port-Louis, a confluence of various cultures, embark you in its colonial past. As soon as you arrive, you will be immersed in this cultural melting pot, where Portuguese, Dutch, English, French, Asian and Creole cultures mix.

Port-Louis is home to several monument remnants of the colonial era, such as the Champ de Mars racetrack, the colonial house Eureka and the Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam botanical garden, which dates back to the 18th century.

White sand lovers will not be left out and will be able to enjoy the 330 km of beaches and the exceptionally mild climate all year round. Mauritius is a tropical paradise with undeniable assets, and these postcard landscapes will seduce Holiworkers looking for a lifestyle that is the antithesis of their current daily life.

Coworking space in MauritiusCoworking space in Mauritius

The coworking space in Mauritius is just like Holiworking. Open to the world, it offers an ideal working environment, helps networking, and allows you to meet people from various backgrounds. These premises provide both common spaces and private offices to maintain confidentiality if necessary. You will also have access to meeting rooms for video-conferencing with your colleagues in France.

Mauritius's coworking space also focuses on the community, allowing events such as lunches or after works to facilitate extra-professional sharing.

A rich history

Having gained independence only half a century ago, Mauritius still bears witness to its long colonial past. This tumultuous history marked by the occupation of Portuguese, Dutch, French and British colonists and slavery has, over time, turned into a cultural wealth for the island state. Mauritius is today a peaceful, multi-ethnic, and religious country with an essential mix of cultures.

Breathtaking biodiversity and landscapes.Breathtaking biodiversity and landscapes.

Mauritius is still today a haven for many animal, plant, and floral species. Nevertheless, Mauritius is one of the 34 "hot spots" of global biodiversity due to its endemic species wealth being in danger. Many plant and animal species are threatened with extinction due to habitat destruction, invasive species, mass tourism, and overexploitation.

Tasteful gastronomy and drinks

The gastronomy of Mauritius is influenced by the Creole, French, Chinese, and especially Indian traditions present on the island. Rice, chicken, fish, and seafood are among the primary ingredients.

The vindaye - generally, with fish or octopus - a recipe originating from the west of India, based on oil, mustard, onion, garlic, and ginge,r is one of the typical dishes you will taste in the numerous restaurants of the island.

The lassi, of Indian origin, made with yogurt and iced water, is the most popular non-alcoholic drink on the island. Beer and rum made on the island, solid and cheap, are also consumed in abundance.

Mauritius in numbers?Mauritius in numbers?

1 265 475

This is Mauritius's number of inhabitants in 2019.


It is the year of independence of the archipelago. Mauritius was successively a Portuguese, Dutch, French, and British colony.


This is the number of official languages. The constitution does not mention any language. Even though English is the language of the Parliament, parliamentarians can also speak French. However, the most widely spoken language is Mauritian Creole.




Time zone: +2/3h

It is the assurance of teleworking smoothly with your colleagues in France.

Dernières actus au Mauritius

What you didn't know about Port-Louis

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