Keys to successful remote management

Published: 03-03-2021

2/ Listen to your collaborators and detect weak signals

For you managers, it is mandatory to keep in touch with your teams regularly. You must understand all about your collaborators’ experiences as they telework. That way, distance will not give you any trouble anymore. By hearing your collaborators’ feedback, you can detect what might be wrong and set up a solution to assure your collaborators' well-being and professional mission.


3/ Establish a friendly social link

In remote management, the human is critical. It is necessary to establish regular conversations with your collaborators to share their states of mind with you. Each collaborator must feel listened to and be aware that their voices matter. Genuinely listening to all your collaborators is mandatory, even to the ones saying that everything is going all right. Having a tool that allows you to collect and archive this feedbacks could be an interesting asset. 

remote management

Currently thriving, remote working makes managers wonder about their teams’ remote organization and new ways of dealing with management. 

Managing a team of teleworkers can be one tough challenge.

Indeed, just like any team, its members need to communicate regularly to maintain the well-being of their missions and achieve the goals entrusted to them. However, distance does not make things easier.

In a context in which many managers are discovering this new way of working and the challenge of managing a remote team, we give you some advice to convert this experience into a real asset for your company.

The success is based on some fundamentals:

1/ Set up adapted communication tools

The first step to build up efficient remote management is to have adapted communication tools. It is necessary to make ‘virtual’ interactions easier and develop collaboration within your team. Collaboration tools allow you to have an eagle view of your team’s projects. That way, you optimize your time and have better monitoring of your stakeholders’ work. Even if this seems obvious, some collaborators, to this day, do not have access to the necessary tools to ensure the proper conduct of their remote mission.  

2/ Listen to your collaborators and detect weak signals

For you managers, it is mandatory to keep in touch with your teams regularly. You must understand all about your collaborators’ experiences as they telework. That way, distance will not give you any trouble anymore. By hearing your collaborators’ feedback, you can detect what might be wrong and set up a solution to assure your collaborators' well-being and professional mission.


3/ Establish a friendly social link

In remote management, the human is critical. It is necessary to establish regular conversations with your collaborators to share their states of mind with you. Each collaborator must feel listened to and be aware that their voices matter. Genuinely listening to all your collaborators is mandatory, even to the ones saying that everything is going all right. Having a tool that allows you to collect and archive this feedbacks could be an interesting asset. 

remote management

4/ Make sure that the corporate culture thrives and that all collaborators are aligned with your vision

Corporate culture is the base of your organization. It is what your competitor does not have, nor their brand, their products, etc. Your corporate culture is what pushes your team forward. It must come with a shared vision so that every team member pursues a common goal.

Without a doubt, corporate culture is a strong asset to manage your team remotely. Thus, all your collaborators are heading in the same direction on their own but still linked by achieving common goals.


5/ Establish a relationship based on honesty, transparency, trust and allow the right to make mistakes

Smooth communication is required within your team. Collaborators must feel free to ask questions that spontaneously bother them. If a quick answer helps resolve emerging issues, you must answer to bring a real solution to the issues being addressed. Your collaborators must not fear admitting they have made a mistake or that they do not know. It is essential to establish a climate of trust necessary for the proper operation of your organization.

remote management

6/ Adopt an agile way of managing issues

Smooth management of the issues you are facing will help you assure your teams’ well-being along with their work. Once an issue is identified with someone, you have to use everyone’s intelligence to figure out pragmatic solutions.


To know more about Holiworking's support for better remote management, click here

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